Wednesday, November 17, 2010

The ABCs of DISC

           S (steadiness) is my type. S type is who is diplomatic and consistent and people with S type is a good listener and sympathetic. This result of the test exactly describes who I am. I always try to listen to others and also I think I try to understand other more than average people try. If I think there is not problem in the agreement, I rarely disagree with the agreement form the majority people. Sometimes, it looks like I do not have any preference in anything, but I do have a priorities in my life.
            I personally think that this test is pretty accurate because S type really describes who I am.  When professor showed four types, I wished to have a D or I types. It looked like “I can control my life” type but when I was thinking more about my personality comparing with four types, I was fully satisfied with my own personality which is S type.
            Also, I think I can become another type. Personality is shaped with culture, circumstances and belief etc. I think I can be D or I type if I have to be more dominant outgoing or expressive. It will be hard to change myself right away but I think I can change personality if it is necessary to be different person.   
            I don’t think it is necessary to know people’s type to understand them better because the description of personality in each type is only written in a paper and also every people have a combination of four types in their personality. If we know people’s types, we would be biased with the information, and would not be able to know more about who they are.
            However, this test can be helpful in some situations like job interviews. If someone needs somebody who has strong D or I type in short period, the test could be helpful because it only takes to get the result of test in short time and this test at least describes where people have a strength and weakness.

1 comment:

  1. hi david,
    I can agree that you are a C personality type. As i know you, you are a good listener, because you listen carefully what other person is saying. You are also a helpful person, i knew that as reading from your previous blog that you like to help people who are in poverty, specially you want to help the people in Africa. It is really good that you have such good habits and be the way you are, not D or I. :)
