Tuesday, November 9, 2010

The Power of Vision

First of all, I'd like to share my personal experience. It was end of freshman year in high school. My church had a “vision trip”. Basically, it was a trip for young people to understand their own circumstance in the abroad so they could think deeply why they live and how to live. I went to Indonesia in 2004 right after big tsunami destroyed southern Asia area including Indonesia. I would be able perceive the world differently than I used to see it when I was in my country. I saw people in poverty. They need a help and love. However, I realized that I couldn’t do many things for them and I was the one who needed true love, then I decided to become a Christian.
So I personally believe that it is important to find a vision but once we find that vision, we will realize that we can’t control our life by making a list of visions because we are all limited. The vision would help us become  rich or success in our job but it does not mean that we truly know why we need to be a rich or where we are going to.
Someone might think that if they plan so well with a right vision they could manage their life, but it is not possible. Even if they manage their lives so well till they die, I would ask what if there is eternal life.
I’d like share one more story. I went to Boston last Saturday because my pastor’s daughter got baptized in the church in Boston. There were 11 people who got baptized, all of them were students in Boston. They were very highly educated. I found them in common while they shared testimony about how they believed in Jesus Christ. They thought they could control their lives if they planed so well with a right vision but they found out that they couldn’t control their lives by themselves, and once they received Christ they found the real happiness in their lives.
So I’d like to say that I do have a “prayer requests”. I’d like share true love of God in Baruch College. Now, me and my friend come to school at 7:30 am from Monday to Friday and study bible and pray to be a right person to help people restore their relationship with God.  
And I’d like to help people in poverty. Especially I’d like to help people in Africa. God has not answered to me how to help people so I am waiting until God answers me for the right way. It does not mean that I will not prepare to be a right person for them, so in short plan, I will study hard and try to get straight A's in this semester.
Lastly, I’d like to be where I can be used to glorify God. I had a vague vision that if I worked in a good company, I would help more people. But it was a Vague Dream(vision)! because it was based on my thoughts.  I am still waiting where to go and what to do after graduation but I will prepare to be able to follow the way that God will show to me.

Vision without prayer is just a dream.
Prayer without vision merely wastes time.
Vision coupled with God’s answer cam make things happen!


  1. That is good that you are true to your Christian faith. My family is Christian and I grew up going to Sunday School so I know how staying true to the faith is important. To be honest I don't go to church every weekend but I do have my religion on the side of me helping me stay strong and hold on in times of need. Hopefully you accomplish all your goals and God Bless man.

  2. Your vision is so wonderful and heartwarming. I belive that people like you should be rich so that people in poverty get some real help from you. I know that many people are getting rich because they are smart and work hard. But some of them are not interested in helping people at all. All they want is to get richer and richer. I truly hope that your dream come true.

  3. It seems from your blog that helping others is what makes your feel satisfied and happy. It is difficult to find a person as you in these days.Hopefully you will find your goal one day and will follow your dream wholeheartedly.

  4. Wow I totally commend you for posting your beliefs. I have too recently commenced Bible study and struggle sometimes with proclaiming my faith in public - I guess I have a fear of not being accepted or something.

    One of my favorite quotes from the good book is "Faith without works is dead"(James 2:20). In the vernacular I have been taught that simply believing in God is not enough for us to attain everlasting life...that we must to get to know God personally and we must strive to preach the good news in all of our affairs.

    What is so ironic is that we constantly struggle to somehow manage our own lives when the directions to do so are clearly stated by our Creator in the Bible. In a business school's classroom it is powerful to find somenone who knows about the truth. Keep up the "good work"!
