Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Useful Blog

It was my first time having an online blog. Even though I used to go to other’s blog to see how the bloggers used blogs with interesting thoughts, I never had a thought that I will make my own blog. Fortunately, I had a chance to make my own blog entry through this course. When I made it, I did not know how to use and what to say in my blog, but after posting several blogs, I would be able to see how usefully I can use my blog. Having a Blog helped me interact with other people over my updated blogs and it was fun to see their comments. Honestly, I do not even use Facebook or Myspace to communicate with my friends. I rather talk with people in person. However, using a blog gave me many benefits as professor intented us to accomplish several goals.
I was encouraged to think precisely about our class activities in order to write a blog entry and to share with other classmates. Also, It was fun to read other’s blog entries so that I could understand more about our class activities. Writing a new entry required some amount of time but it was really helpful for me to think creatively and deeply so that I could share my precious thought not dumping useless writings in the blogs. I think I will continue to use blogs so I can continue to share creative thoughts with others.           


  1. Well i think you did learn a lot from this management class and from professor as i did. Not merely this was the class a book to class discussion but more a practical class,learning more real life situation. For me the blog was more than just writing. It was writing about my opinion, how i felt and how i would have made the decisions.I was also interesting to know how opinions can be opposed as in my blogs some of my classmates opposed my opinion about some class activites.

    I hope you enjoyed the blog writing as it was your first time writing it and also thank you for reading my blogs and sharing your opinion about my blogs.

  2. I thinks it's that whole aspect of thinking outside the box. As you mention, writing blogs required not only time but thought process. Not your usual thought and approach process either. This is a non-conventional way of learning and it stands out from the rest. I personally have been far more interested in blog and creative thinking it cultivated to, opposed to some of the class material.
    I too am planning to continue using this blog to feed my creative appetite.
    I too created this blog which is my first.
    I too do not use Facebook or Twitter.
    We have a lot in common it turns out.
    That is why I like this blog, it allows us to communicate using our own communication method.

  3. This was my first blog as well. I also had no idea what to say in my blog. the way i would write it was just by putting all my thought down and then simply publishing. great blog.
