Wednesday, November 17, 2010

The ABCs of DISC

           S (steadiness) is my type. S type is who is diplomatic and consistent and people with S type is a good listener and sympathetic. This result of the test exactly describes who I am. I always try to listen to others and also I think I try to understand other more than average people try. If I think there is not problem in the agreement, I rarely disagree with the agreement form the majority people. Sometimes, it looks like I do not have any preference in anything, but I do have a priorities in my life.
            I personally think that this test is pretty accurate because S type really describes who I am.  When professor showed four types, I wished to have a D or I types. It looked like “I can control my life” type but when I was thinking more about my personality comparing with four types, I was fully satisfied with my own personality which is S type.
            Also, I think I can become another type. Personality is shaped with culture, circumstances and belief etc. I think I can be D or I type if I have to be more dominant outgoing or expressive. It will be hard to change myself right away but I think I can change personality if it is necessary to be different person.   
            I don’t think it is necessary to know people’s type to understand them better because the description of personality in each type is only written in a paper and also every people have a combination of four types in their personality. If we know people’s types, we would be biased with the information, and would not be able to know more about who they are.
            However, this test can be helpful in some situations like job interviews. If someone needs somebody who has strong D or I type in short period, the test could be helpful because it only takes to get the result of test in short time and this test at least describes where people have a strength and weakness.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Extra Credit Assignment :D

I went to McDonald on Broadway at 81st. There were about 2 customers waiting ahead of me for the order. 5 minutes later, I started order. First of all I asked whether they have a dollar menu or not because I couldn’t see one dollar menu on the order board. Then the personnel said there was not a dollar menu. I was shocked because I had to order hamburger and French fries from one dollar menu but I did not have a time to go to different place. Therefore I ordered one Big Mac burger with five pickles in and French fries well done with side of Big Mac sauce. Then I said that the personnel should indicate my order in the receipt. Then, he repeated my order then he turned his head back and told two other coworkers to put 5 pickles and make French fries well done with side of big Mac sauce. The personnel told me the price then I swiped my debit card. When I swiped my card, I made sure once again that my order should be indicated in the receipt. Then I got the receipt from the personnel but it only indicated 1 Big Mac and “pickle” and French fries and “w done”, so I told the personnel that I needed five pickles and Big Mac sauce also in the receipt as well. Then he said he couldn’t do what I ordered. I said “you can do it” then one manager came next him and asked what happened, and the personnel explained what happened. Then the female manager said “we can’t put your order in the receipt”. Then I said “I know you can put my order in the receipt and also I told the personnel to put my order when I ordered the food”. So she said “we have to do it over again, I will return your money back so you can pay it again” so I swiped my card to get my money back then swiped again to pay it again, then the female manager gave me a new receipt but It did not include “Big Mac sauce” so I told her that she had to put Big Mac sauce as well. Then she said she couldn’t put Big Mac sauce in the receipt so I told her to write “Big Mac Sauce” in the receipt. Then she went inside of kitchen to get her business card and pen. She wrote “Big Mac sauce” on the receipt.      It took about 10 to 15 minutes to finish the process. It was not a hard part to the personnel when he told two coworkers to make a burger with five pickles and French fries well done with a side of Big Mac sauce but when he put my order in the receipt, he couldn’t do it right away. It was understandable to me because he tried to help me and do my order but the female manager expressed her discomfort with an unpleasant face. I felt sorry that I ordered too much only for one burger and small French fries but I also felt that she was not right to make an unpleasant face. Also I got the completed receipt in the end but the female manager said McDonald couldn’t do what I ordered at the first time. I guess she did not want to spend time on doing unnecessary things and I think that she did not do her best for the customers.  I’d like to analyze the management process. First of all, in the organization of the McDonald, the personnel did good job on telling his coworkers to make right food but the personnel did not know how to put every orders in the receipt and he only put “pickle” and “w done”. It made me tell him to make a new receipt again and it took a time to get it done again. The personnel should not do anything if the job is out of his ability. He should have asked to his manager from the beginning. Also, they did not set up to handle “extra special”, they only had one manager who had responsibility for final action. If I was the manager of the McDonald, I would tell my employees to ask me if the task is out of their ability.  In the communications, communications between employees were pretty effective because they were standing pretty close to each other. I could even hear what they talked to each other. I guess it usually happens in fast food restaurant because they have to get order done in short time. The communication to me was not effective because the personnel and manager made the same mistake until I told the manager to write “Big Mac sauce in the receipt” they did not communicate to me effectively. They rather tried to get their task done even though they could not satisfy their customers. I guess their goal is maximization of their profit rather than maximization of customer’s satisfaction. I would recommend that all employees should communicate with customers more friendly and gently.    Employees were trained in some aspects but not in all aspects. They were well trained to make a food in short time but they were not trained how to deal with “special order”. I found the weaknesses of their customer services. I do not only say based on today’s experience but all experiences in McDonald. In the most of time, the employees in McDonald are not kind and gentle. They do not smile and tell the customer without respect. I can understand that it is a trait of fast food restaurant but they should be more trained to deal with their mind and feeling.       In the leadership, the manager made final action to complete my special order by writing “Big Mac sauce” with her business card. This leadership skill was not necessary for the workers but it is important to assign at least one person to have more accountability than other workers so the accountable leader could make a final decision in the emergency situation. The personnel would be better to shorten time and satisfy me more if he understands more about his ability in his position. Also, the female manager should be more patient toward customers and she needs to be gentler toward other coworkers as well.
-picture of the special food-

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

The Power of Vision

First of all, I'd like to share my personal experience. It was end of freshman year in high school. My church had a “vision trip”. Basically, it was a trip for young people to understand their own circumstance in the abroad so they could think deeply why they live and how to live. I went to Indonesia in 2004 right after big tsunami destroyed southern Asia area including Indonesia. I would be able perceive the world differently than I used to see it when I was in my country. I saw people in poverty. They need a help and love. However, I realized that I couldn’t do many things for them and I was the one who needed true love, then I decided to become a Christian.
So I personally believe that it is important to find a vision but once we find that vision, we will realize that we can’t control our life by making a list of visions because we are all limited. The vision would help us become  rich or success in our job but it does not mean that we truly know why we need to be a rich or where we are going to.
Someone might think that if they plan so well with a right vision they could manage their life, but it is not possible. Even if they manage their lives so well till they die, I would ask what if there is eternal life.
I’d like share one more story. I went to Boston last Saturday because my pastor’s daughter got baptized in the church in Boston. There were 11 people who got baptized, all of them were students in Boston. They were very highly educated. I found them in common while they shared testimony about how they believed in Jesus Christ. They thought they could control their lives if they planed so well with a right vision but they found out that they couldn’t control their lives by themselves, and once they received Christ they found the real happiness in their lives.
So I’d like to say that I do have a “prayer requests”. I’d like share true love of God in Baruch College. Now, me and my friend come to school at 7:30 am from Monday to Friday and study bible and pray to be a right person to help people restore their relationship with God.  
And I’d like to help people in poverty. Especially I’d like to help people in Africa. God has not answered to me how to help people so I am waiting until God answers me for the right way. It does not mean that I will not prepare to be a right person for them, so in short plan, I will study hard and try to get straight A's in this semester.
Lastly, I’d like to be where I can be used to glorify God. I had a vague vision that if I worked in a good company, I would help more people. But it was a Vague Dream(vision)! because it was based on my thoughts.  I am still waiting where to go and what to do after graduation but I will prepare to be able to follow the way that God will show to me.

Vision without prayer is just a dream.
Prayer without vision merely wastes time.
Vision coupled with God’s answer cam make things happen!