Saturday, September 25, 2010

daily culture shock

I am Korean. I came to United States about four years ago. Everything was new to me, the way American speaks, talks, and thinks was different. I’d like to share one of the culture differences among many. In my country, if I have something that I have enough to share with, I used to spend it for my friends. For example, I often chew a gum. So when I bought a pack of gum, I used to give each pieces to my friends. So I thought it would be good to give a piece of gum to classmates in Unites States too. I saw one of classmates coming to me after class, so I said “Hey, would you like to have a piece of gum?” she looked surprise and answered, “I am fine, but thank you.” Then, I noticed something different in her responses. Then I was learned that it is little bit awkward to give my stuff to unfamiliar people for no reason.  


  1. ahaha...maybe you caught your classmate at a bad moment. You should not judge all americans off one unfriendly girl. Anyways I am sure it is or was tough to grasp the english language 100% since you have been here for only 4 years. But I am sure in time you will become more and more american...

  2. that might have been an embarrasing moment for you. But don't you worry i'm always ready for a piece of gum from you.hahaha

  3. haha man thats crazy, well that was very nice of you though. I think we should all be like that though i think its a great way to make our country a better place and let people be much nicer. Keep it up maybe someday it will make a change!

  4. Americans offer a piece of gum too. Sometimes I say "no, thanks" when I am offered a piece of gum because I don't feel like choowing gum at that moment. Probably, that girl said "no, thanks" because of the same reason. Don't worry, and try to enjoy new experience. You will be fine.
