Wednesday, September 29, 2010

An Eggs-cellent Way to Plan

1.which of the “Steps in the Planning Process” listed below did your team actually go through?
we went though every steps but we did not go through well. In the first step, we defined goal which was how to protect an egg by droping it from the air. In the second step, we identified our resources and knew our goal but we could not choose our group leader so it was a little bit hard to start off. In the third step, we generated 4 tpyes of scenarios. In the Forth step, we chose one by votes and we alloctaed jobs by sharing a roles as one person held an egg, two people bent straws and rest of people conect each straws with a tape.
In the fifth step, our team failed to protect an egg in the egg drop experiment. Then, we did not have a time to evaluate the result.
2. Which did you bypass?  Why?
we bypassed how to allocate a role and job because we could not choose a leader so it was hard to demand each other to do a certain thing. we could not choose a leader because we did not think that we need a leader of our group.
3. How do your evaluate your team’s ultimate performance given the effectiveness of your planning?
first of all, our team fail in the experiment. I was not satisfied with the result. It was not because of the result but becasue our team chose weak protection device by votes.
I suggested a better idea to protect an egg, but mine was not selected by our team. I suggested similar devices like they have in the video.
4. How could you have been more effective as a group in the planning of your task? we had to have a leader so we could perform more effecitve. also, we could shorten our time to choose a type of devices among many alternatives, so we could preview our devices in advance.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. You knew how to protect the egg, because you had already seen the video for protecting the egg using straws. Had they voted you for leader, all your groupmates had got 10 points.

  3. Wow, it is too bad they didn't select your alternative. Well, it was their decision not to pick your idea so they had to accept the consequence. It was unlucky for you though because you too had to lose 10 points even though you knew how to win the game. It is a shame.
