Saturday, December 11, 2010


Lead Me Oh Lord by Yoosuk Ko

Oh lord, I wanted to manage my life
yet all I need is you in order to survive
Concept of vision lured me that I can predict my future
Concept of spirit whispered me that I can blow my weakness
Concept of culture challenged me that I should behave as If know the people
Concept of goal tempted me that I have to have high standard of my life
Oh lord, I know! I do not need to be innovative nor creative 
but follow your way, everything will be okey
Prayer will be my vision
Your spirit will lead me to find real happiness
My culture will be restructured with your word
My goal will be genuinely rejoicing in you
Teach me how to manage my life.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Useful Blog

It was my first time having an online blog. Even though I used to go to other’s blog to see how the bloggers used blogs with interesting thoughts, I never had a thought that I will make my own blog. Fortunately, I had a chance to make my own blog entry through this course. When I made it, I did not know how to use and what to say in my blog, but after posting several blogs, I would be able to see how usefully I can use my blog. Having a Blog helped me interact with other people over my updated blogs and it was fun to see their comments. Honestly, I do not even use Facebook or Myspace to communicate with my friends. I rather talk with people in person. However, using a blog gave me many benefits as professor intented us to accomplish several goals.
I was encouraged to think precisely about our class activities in order to write a blog entry and to share with other classmates. Also, It was fun to read other’s blog entries so that I could understand more about our class activities. Writing a new entry required some amount of time but it was really helpful for me to think creatively and deeply so that I could share my precious thought not dumping useless writings in the blogs. I think I will continue to use blogs so I can continue to share creative thoughts with others.